At the core of Surplus Seminar lies Anywhere/Anyplace Academy (A/AA). A/AA serves as a hub to bring people together and dream up the myriad possibilities inherent in the repurposing of knowledge. A/AA exists through the shared skills, know-how, and collaboration of each person who chooses to help construct it. Taking different forms depending on the location in which it is built an A/AA schoolhouse is constructed through the utilization of excess, cast-off materials from the area wherein that manifestation Surplus Seminar takes place. In this regard each A/AA bears the visual markings of its area, its economy, and its residents' skill-sets and interests.
Red76 proposes to construct their upcoming Anywhere/Anyplace Academy in Columbus with an old car or truck that could serve as a malleable base for A/AA. On one hand parts of an automobile could be repurposed for A/AA or the whole thing could become a mobile schoolhouse, traveling throughout the city and surrounding area. "It needn't require the ability to travel long distances."
Does anyone in Columbus have a vehicle that they would be willing to donate to make this happen? If so, contact us at bureau@bureauforopenculture.org or (614) 222-3270.